Learn these tunes before you learn any others; afterwards learn as many as you please. -J. Wesley, 1761 When I’m happy, I sing. When I’m stressed, I sing. When I’m stuck for worship inspiration, I turn to a hymnal. As an administrator, tending the Body differently now, worship planning happens less often and still this old friend calls to me. Joy leaks in many ways. When my children were small, we’d often sing each other awake or pass long car rides from navy bases to nana’s house with silly songs. We all have our coping mechanisms. Words of faith tuned to the language of the heart works for me. Once, stuck in traffic in a tunnel under Oakland, CA, with a cranky fiat, I sang AMAZING GRACE at the top of my lungs until daylight came into view. This strategy also worked with an out-of-gas van full of teens on a 23.83-mile New Orleans bridge a couple of months after Katrina and before the gas stations reopened. In the final days before whatever comes out of General Conference 2019, I turn tentatively, hopefully, joyfully to our musical heritage. I’m imagining at this moment that all of you are singing along with the gusto John Wesley instructed: Beware of singing as if you were half dead or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength (United Methodist Hymnal page vii). If you just scan the rest of this post, it may not mean much to you. But if you take time to sing along, your heart may open to God’s blessing. And may the words of our tradition be sufficient for your need this day. First Hymn of the Day: UMH 577 “God of Grace and God of Glory” (sing along here to the full hymn) 1. God of grace and God of glory, on thy people pour thy power; crown the ancient church's story;bring its bud to glorious flower. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, for the facing of this hour, for the facing of this hour. 5. Save us from weak resignationto the evils we deplore; let the search for thy salvationbe our glory evermore. Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, serving thee whom we adore,serving thee whom we adore. Let us pray. Holy One in Three, we pray that your purpose will give us power in this hour of possibility. May the suffering of your people open our eyes and hearts to your presence in our world. Change us, move us, re-make us as agents of grace. And in the process, make us more like Jesus the Christ who withheld nothing in his journey to do this work. AMEN Second Hymn for the Day: UMH 144 Many Gifts, One Spirit: (sing along here to the full hymn) God of change and glory, God of time and space, When we fear the future, give to us your grace. In the midst of changing ways give us still the grace to praise. Refrain: Many gifts, one Spirit, one love known in many ways. In our difference is blessing, from diversity we praise One Giver, one Lord, one Spirit, one Word Known in many ways, hallowing our days. For the Giver, for the gifts, praise, praise, praise! Let us pray. Holy One in Three, in the little deaths and losses that punctulate our peculiar lifelines, from you come gifts, from you comes grace, from you comes life. Praise to you not only for what you do but for who you are. AMEN Third Hymn for the Day: UMH 100 “God Whose Love is Reigning o’er Us” (sing along here to the full hymn, click to skip ad) God, whose love is reigning o’er us, source of all, the ending true; hear the universal chorus raised in joyful praise to you: Alleluia, Alleluia, worship ancient, worship new Word of God from nature bringing Springtime green and autumn gold; Mountain streams like children singing, Ocean waves like thunder bold: Alleluia, Alleluia, As creation’s tale is told.* Let us pray. Holy One in Three, you are the source and center. We are not. You are the beauty that finds its way into the world of your own making. Remind us that you are the all in all, we are privileged to be part of your life, part of your loving. And so, with all the power of the breathe you provide we proclaim Alleluia, alleluia. Above all sing spiritually. have an eye to God in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing God more than yourself, or any other creature. -J. Wesley 1761
Marilyn Stevens
2/5/2019 08:21:27 am
Oh, thank you!! What a lovely worship brief. I, too, often turn to hymns that are burned into my soul. They are like old friends.
Joan Spitzform
2/5/2019 03:17:16 pm
Thank you Karen! I cannot get in my car and drive anywhere where I am sure i am heard by the driver's alongside of me at a red light singing my heart out - whether hymns, rock and roll or crooner's my voice cannot help but sing my praises to God - thank you again, I will be singing these songs in my head, humming them during work, and singng in my car!
2/6/2019 11:41:06 am
Good to know you're in the choir!
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Karen L MunsonA pastor and artist, I'm wondering while I'm wandering through God's marvelous creation. Archives
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